So, today is the first day of the Governor’s lifting of the statewide mask mandate. My initial reaction is to jump up and sing “Oh Happy Day” (only in the presence of my dogs). But then I immediately remember that people’s views are all over the place on mask-wearing and that people are passionate about their views and when people are passionate conflict can follow. Then my day is not so happy.
Your Administrative Board met last Thursday evening to discuss the Governor’s lifting of the mask mandate and how AUMC would move forward towards whatever our new “normal” will be. Let me say that they did a terrific job modeling love and respect for one another in discussing a very difficult topic.
This is not over – COVID-19 has not just disappeared, this virus will be with us for the near future, if not forever. It will likely be with us like the flu is, so we will be easing our way into finding the new normal.
Moving forward your leadership has put this out as our ask of you relating to the wearing of masks, effective Wednesday March 10th:
“Although masks are optional, we recognize the importance of caring for our neighbors, the use of masks is requested when social distancing is not possible.”
Our world is becoming increasingly divisive. We are the church and we should not reflect the values of the world, but the values of the Kingdom of God. People’s feelings regarding masks are all over the place, and we as the church cannot allow this to divide us. Please allow room in your heart and mind for people to think differently from you. Love them, as they are your fellow brother or sister in Christ, and together we make up the body of Christ that is AUMC. So, let us as the body of Christ live out what John says in the 13th chapter verse 35, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
As we move forward to our new normal let our love for one another rule the day.
Peace and Grace,
Pastor Mike Tyson
What the heck does this mean? Why not have services one for masks and one without. Or something to guard our older people. Loving each other would mean protecting each other. This is not a political issue, it is a health issue. If you don’t feel protected why would you even go back to church. Two more months would protect everyone. I guess what I am saying is thanks for nothing.
You should follow the expert based on medical criteria and the CDC GUIDELINE. Since when did the governed get his infection prevention license. God bless all.