The prayer labyrinth will be set up during Holy Week in Asbury Sanctuary. All are invited to walk the labyrinth. This is an opportunity to reflect upon Jesus and the events of this week that lead to the cross. Walking the labyrinth is prayer in motion. Walking invites us to open to God who is on the journey with us. Finger labyrinths are available for those who have difficulty walking. There is a special Scripture and reflection for each day of Holy Week.
The labyrinth will be available during normal office hours and also while scheduled activities are happening on campus in the evenings.
Labyrinth Schedule
Palm Sunday, April 10 4pm – 7:30pm
Monday, April 11 8:30am – 5pm
Tuesday, April 12 8:30am – 5pm
Wednesday, April 13 8:30am – 5pm
Maundy Thursday, April 14 8:30am – 5pm