Women’s Ministry Meeting
Women’s Ministry Meeting

During the beginning of Holy Week, everyone is invited to walk a Labyrinth, which will be set up in the Asbury Sanctuary.

Our Women’s Ministry will host an evening of Contemplative Prayer Practices, led by Rev. Victor Resendiz. During our time together, we’ll learn how a labyrinth can help us draw closer to God. This program is open to all women… please invite your family & friends!

Rev. Resendiz is an Associate Pastor at White’s Chapel United Methodist Church in Sourlake, Texas and he will join us via Zoom.
We’ll enjoy a time of fellowship on Thursday, April 7 beginning at 6:00 pm in the Asbury Sanctuary. Rev. Resendiz will join us via Zoom promptly at 6:30 pm. There will be a reception in the Asbury Commons immediately following the gathering.

Childcare for infants through 5th grade is free, but reservations are required by contacting Susie Crafton.

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April 7, 2022

Start Time

06:00 PM

End Time

08:00 PM