Women’s Ministry Tea Party
Women’s Ministry Tea Party

Please join the AUMC Women’s Ministry for “My Cup Runneth Over,” a tea party featuring the talk “Refreshment for a Woman’s Soul” presented by Cheri Strange.

Do you find yourself weary, worn out and stressed? Jesus understands our need and invites us to come to Him. Cheri unpacks what it looks like Biblically and practically to rest, be restored and renewed to experience everything He has planned for us.

The cost is $20 per person and the deadline to register is May 15th. Children are also invited to join the tea party portion of the event for $10 per child. Childcare will be provided at no cost. Tea-time attire is suggested; bring a cup and saucer. La Madeleine’s is catering.

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May 21, 2022

Start Time

12:00 PM

End Time

03:00 PM