Atascocita Methodist Children’s Ministries is committed to partnering with families to help children take their first steps with Jesus. We offer weekly activities, Sunday morning worship opportunities, and various events and programs throughout the year for children to get involved and learn more about Jesus!
Sunday Opportunities
Sunday School
Every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Children's Church | Sundays 9 and 11 a.m.
Power UP! Sunday School is a high-energy, action-packed hour of learning God’s Word for children from 4 y/o through 5th grade. The children hear a Bible story, learn scripture, and participate in crafts and activities related to the lesson. The Nursery is open for children 0-4 years all morning.
The Acolyte Ministry is open to all children from Grades 3 – 6. Join this fun ministry and help to serve your Church family. Duties include carrying the cross, lighting the altar candles, holding the chalice during Communion, and holding the baptismal water during baptism. Acolytes are assigned one Sunday per month.
Weekday Programming
Pre-K Music & Art
Wednesdays 5-6 p.m.
This music and art class is for Pre-K age students.
Elementary Music
Wednesdays 5-6 p.m.
This class is for Kindergarten through 5th grade students. Students will perform in worship four times a year.
Pre-K Game Time
Wednesdays 6-7 p.m.
An hour of gameplay for Pre-K age students.
Elementary Art
Wednesdays 6-7 p.m.
This class is for Kindergarten through 5th grade students.
Atascocita Methodist has three scouting groups: Cub Scout Pack 56, Scouting BSA Troop 56, and Scouting BSA Troop 57. Scouting is a home and neighborhood centered program designed to support the values you teach at home. Scouts learn respect for God, country and other people, as well as other positive skills.
Every year, we hold this FREE, week-long summer event to teach children about Jesus! VBS is open for children ages 4 (potty-trained) to students entering 5th grade. Youth entering 6th grade and up can register as volunteers.
Camp Create is a Summer Exploration Camp for Kindergarten through fifth grade. This week-long camp is about kids experiencing God’s creativity through activities and recreation. Kids learn a musical through singing, drama, and art. On the last day camp they perform the musical for the public.